[BEDA 3/30] Trying to return to do some stuff

Today was a different day, I tried to do some stuff that I was procrastinating a little bit for a while.

I return my reading at Woman who run with the wolfs, I didn't return for the beginning but it is my third of fourth time trying to read this book. I read two or 3 chapters independente when I need it, but trying to return reading one chapter next to other is to heavy. I just get tired reading it.

I like the way of the stories and the analysis about the wild woman and the self and subconscious but it is sometimes to much for me.

I will try to finish this book reading this time, but I know that I will in the future want to reread it and to add new notes.

The olher stuff that I did today was to add some new things in blogspot. It is not properly set yet, but there is more things now. I am thinking about the PT-BR writing and area, because I am not sure if I want to use medium platform. I would like to use only one place with my both languages, but blogspot doesn't work with it.

My ideia is to use medium to host my Brazilian Portuguese ideas and opinions, as my project Letras e Linha. But I am not sure, because I want more visual at the same time I want a easy place to manage... I didn't try to set my medium page yet, I really want to this space works properly and then I will think about my PT-BR project.

Today I did stuff at home, like clean the dishes, cook, fold clothes, I didn't tidying up the way I imagined to do, but I managed to do some procrastinated tasks.

For example, I sewed four different clothes! One was mine handmade pullover, finally I fixed one part that ripped when I used my pullover. And the other three was my partner clothes.

I really like to sew. However doing it makes me want to return my crochet and knitting projects, I didn't realize how much I missed the handmade activity.

And today, I try to return to my writing morning session, I missed it a lot, but at the same time that I missed it, I didn't try to make it work. This is so weird. 

Just to end it, I want to say that finished some old tasks and return some old activities makes me feel happy. It was not perfect but I felt and feel that I can keep swimming! 🦢


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