What Things?
Hello! Welcome to my little space on the Internet!
My name is Eduarda, I am a Brazilian girl, living in the Netherlands. I am from 1993.
- INFP-t personality
- Highly Sensitive Person
- Multipotencial
At the moment I don't have a degree or a profession, but I want to consider myself as an Artisan and as an Artist.
Duda is a nickname and it is my name's contraction: E D U A R D A. I am sure that I have a lot of interests, so, I make many things and because of this, I chose the name: Duda Makes Things.
In this space, I will share different topics of my interest:
- Knit
- Crochet
- Embroidery
- Cross Stitches
- Astrology
- Tarot
- Petit Lenormand
- Draw
- Watercolor and Guache
- Lettering and Caligraphy
- Photography
- Video edition
- To bind
- Sewing
- Running
- Piano
- Acoustic Guitar
- Digital Collages
- Habits
- Yoga
- Code
- Writing
- Languages
- English
- Dutch
- Latin
- Japanese
- Spanish
- Italian
- Chinese
- Russian
- Croatian
- Portuguese (my native language)
- Books
- Series
- Movies
Well, I don't know everything on this list, but I am interested in learning, so, I want to share my process to learn and my experience, in addition to creating a place full of memories. Some of these topics I started before and feel more like an intermediate, but others I didn't even start yet. I have a lot of expectations for this projects, but I don't want to it be perfect, I just want to share some parts of me.
Thank you for your interest in my project! ✨🌻
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